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Palliative Care | Hospice of Redmond - Hospice Care, Bereavement Support

Palliative Care in Central Oregon

Individualized Care Delivered at Any Stage of an Illness

Hospice of Redmond has been providing Palliative Care since 1999.

Living with a serious illness is a little easier with the right help. 

When diagnosed with a serious illness, many emotions come to the surface. These emotions can create feelings of unease, stress, anxiety, and uncertainty, which are not exclusively felt by the person who is sick. Family members and other caregivers often also struggle. 

Palliative care is specialized medical care for people with chronic or serious illnesses. Different from other areas of medical care, palliative care focuses on improving a person’s quality of life by relieving physical suffering by managing pain while addressing a person’s emotional and spiritual needs.

Our Palliative Care program at Hospice of Redmond focuses on quality of life for someone facing chronic or serious illness.

Palliative Care can help you or your loved one by:

•Reviewing patient medical history, as well as symptoms and medication side effects, to address the care needs of the whole person.
•Understanding the illness and offering options.  
•Offering emotional support to ease feelings of isolation.
•Provide support through information and connection to community resources. 
•Provide access to social work, spiritual care, and volunteer support.

Palliative Care services are offered in conjunction Hospice of Redmond’s Transitions program. Both programs provide resources and support via trained staff and volunteers.

palliative care in redmond and bend oregon

Understanding the Difference Between Palliative and Hospice Care

Hospice care is specialized medical care for terminally ill people with a prognosis of six months or less to live. Palliative care is for people diagnosed with a serious illness that may or may not be curable. Palliative care can be provided alongside curative treatments, such as in the case of cancer and dialysis.

With palliative care, our team works with patients and their families to:

  • Gather information to understand the needs of the whole person, going beyond symptom relief
  • Understand the illness and offer options
  • Offer emotional support to ease feelings of isolation
  • Provide support through information sharing and connection to community resources
  • Provide access to social work, spiritual care, and volunteer support 

When is Palliative Care Appropriate?

Palliative care is appropriate for anyone diagnosed with a serious illness. Receiving palliative care does not mean giving up or resigning oneself to a disease or condition. Instead, it brings in a team to address the individual’s complete needs – physically, mentally, and spiritually. Having a team dedicated to ensuring a person’s quality of life is our priority. As palliative care specialists, we look at more than the illness. We consider a person’s wants and needs and provide treatment recommendations that align with them. 

At Hospice of Redmond, a patient is never left all alone to suffer. We want to help in every way we can. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with a serious illness, please share this information. Our goal is to provide resources and care to support the full needs of the individual so they can have a better quality of life. 

Where to Find Palliative Care in Central Oregon

Hospice of Redmond is pleased to offer palliative care services throughout Central Oregon, including Bend, Redmond, Sisters, Prineville, Madras, and everywhere in between. If you need palliative care near Bend, OR, contact us today to explore how we can help you or your loved one experience individualized care at any stage of serious or chronic illness.

Accessing program services

A physician’s referral is always welcome, however, you or a family member can call Hospice of Redmond and speak directly with our Central Oregon Palliative Care team at any time to ask about your service options. Whether you live in Bend, OR, Redmond, OR or anywhere else in Central Oregon, we are here for you. Call us today to learn more about our palliative care services.